Opening hours of the warehouse store in Helsinki

You should always check here for up-to-date information about the warehouse store's weekly opening hours, because the schedules of entrepreneur-mothers who, in addition to Bellissima, also run an infant daycare, may vary slightly depending on the week. 😊 As a rule, we are open on weekdays, sometimes also on weekends.

Welcome to Bellissima!
t. Maria and Sanna, merchant sisters

Most of the selection in our online store can be found in our warehouse store.

🌸 Only women's sandals and espadrilles are in winter storage elsewhere. 🌸

If you want to fit sandals in our store, read the operating instructions here.

Welcome to negotiate!


MA-TI 24.–25.3. SULJETTU
KE-TO 26.–27.3. klo 12–18
PE 28.3. klo 14–18
LA-SU 29.–30.3. SULJETTU


Home Island Street 3
(corner of Toukolankatu and Kotisaarenkatu)
00560 Helsinki

We are located opposite Lidl, you can see our store from the corner of Lidl on the other side of the street. 😊